Click here to register for International Conference (March 2025) on the theme- Harmonizing Movement: Integrating Yoga with Sports Science for Peak Performance

Manuscript Preparation General Guidelines

All the submissions should only be done by email:
All manuscripts are to be typed in English,

  • 12-point Times New Roman font,
  • 1.15 line space,
  • leaving a 3cm margin on all sides.

Each submission contains three separate files – title file, manuscript file, and copyright agreement

Each manuscript should contain the text including the introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, and references, and may contain up to 15 typed pages.

Detailed Guidelines

All the manuscripts are to be submitted by the principal author to the Managing Editor, Sports Research, SAINSNIS, Motibagh, Patiala-147001, along with a Letter of Intent for Publication. This covering letter should also contain the following certificate.

“It is certified that this articles is my/our own original research work which has not been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication, elsewhere. It would not be hereafter submitted elsewhere, for publication, without your consent until I hear the decision about its acceptance/rejection from your side.”

“It have the consent of the co-authors for this submission. I understand and I hereby affirm that, as per your terms of publication, in the event of publication, my copyright of this article would automatically stand transferred to the name of the Publisher, Sports Research.”
The covering letter should contain a complete postal address, email Id, telephone and fax numbers of the principal author. The Managing Editor may acknowledge the receipt of the MS, as well as, handle all future correspondence.

Manuscript could be sent through email, , in a single Microsoft Word file which should begin with the surname of the principle author.

Manuscript Preparation

  • All manuscripts are to be typed in English, in 12 point Times New Roman font, in double space, on one side of the white paper, leaving 3cm margin on all side.
  • Each manuscript should include title page, the second title page and text, and may contain up to 15 typed pages.
  • The title page should contain the title of the study and the names, qualifications, employment status, the employing institution and the place and state, of all the authors. The title being brief, should not contain the words like ‘A Study of or ‘A Probe into’ etc.
  • The second title, the page following the title page should contain the title of the study, without the names of the authors, abstract and keywords. The numbering of pages should begin here. The third page should contain the text including introduction, methodology, results & discussion, conclusion, and references.
  • All these heads are to be typed on the left hand in upper lower type, in case there are no subheads like purpose of the study, review of literature, hypotheses, and limitations of the study and its implications. When there are sub-heads, the heads are to be typed, in 11 pt. size, all bold capitals, and the sub-heads in upper-lower type bold letters. Abbreviations must be spelt when they first appear in the text.


The abstract should be self-explanatory, of about 150 words; suitable for use by the abstracting journals, without rewording and should state what aimed, what was done, what was found and what was concluded. For the review article, the abstract should be a concise summary.

Key Words

Following the abstract, the author should list not more than six key words that do not appear in the title, that represent the content of the manuscript.


This describes the present state of knowledge of the subject or the review of the literature, the concise statement of the problem, the aim of the research, and the development of the research hypotheses. It should include the practical and applied questions around which they study was developed.


This section should include a complete description of subjects, materials, equipment’s, procedures and experimental, techniques.

It should also include the description of the statistical methods used to analyze the data. The methods and the statistical procedures published in detail beforehand should be cited. Units of measurement, symbols and abbreviations must conform to the international standards. Metric system is preferred.

Results & Discussion

This section should include a concise presentation of the data, figures, tables and photographs may be used to show the results of the study. Tables and figures should not be used for the presentation of the same data. The subjects must not be identified by name or any other recognizable label.

The discussion should contain the interpretation of the results with possible comparisons with other relevant studies. The discussion must be rigorous and correspond to the data and the hypothesis. New-hypothesis, if any may be stated.

Recommendations, if any, question of practical application, consistent with the limitations of the study, may be included.


This should briefly state the conclusions drawn from the study. Conclusions should not be drawn without any supporting data.


All sources, cited in the text, must be also cited in the reference list. Conversely, all entries in the reference list must be cited in the text. The reference list includes circulated materials, i.e., books journals proceedings, films, etc.

Referencing the Text

Sources cited in the text are referenced with the author-date system. The surname of the author and the year of the publication are inserted in the text at the appropriate place.

If the name of the author appears as part of the narrative, cite only the year of the publication in parentheses.

Wilmoth (1984) compared reaction time……..

Otherwise, place both the name and date, separated by a comma, in parentheses

In a recent study of reaction times (Wilmoth, 1984) compared

When the year and the author are given as part of the textual discussion, do not add the parentheses.

In 1984, Wilmoth compared the reaction…………….

Within a paragraph, it is not necessary to include the year in subsequent references to study as long as the study cannot be confused with other studies cited in the articles.

1984, Wilmoth compared the reaction time………..Wilmoth also found that…….

If a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text.

Barby and Pohlman (1983) used the following procedure……….

If a work has more than two authors. but fewer than six, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs, in subsequent citations include only the surname of the first author followed by et al (not underlined and with no period after et and al. and the year.

First citation

Darby, Pahiman, and Lemon (1983) found……

Second citation

Darby et al (1983) found…………..

When a work has more than six authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al, and the year for the first and subsequent citation. (In the reference list, the surnames of references with six or more authors are spelled out.)

Join the names of the last authors in a text citation by using the world ‘and’ In parenthetical material, in tables, and in the reference list join the names with an ampersand (&).

Darby and Pohlman (1984) found……….

As found by (Darby & Pohlman, 1984)………..

Also for three or more names use a comma before each, even with an ampersand (Smith Jones & Earls)

Preparing the Reference list

Authors are responsible for making certain that the sources appearing in the text citation and the reference list and identical. Each entry to the reference list should contain the following elements (a) Author, (b) Year of publication, (c) Title, (d)Publishing data, and (e) all of the necessary information for unique identification and library search.

Arrange reference list entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author.

The elements in a reference list should be arranged in the, following order.

  1. Name of the Author/Authors, in bold letters.
  2. Date of Publication in bold letters. Give the year the work was copyright (for unpublished works, this is the year it was produced). Enclose the date in parentheses
  3. Title:-do not underline the title or place quotation marks around it. Finish the element with a period.
  4. Name of Journal and information regarding publication. Give the Journal’s name in full, in uppercase and lower case letter. Give the volume number and underline it. Do not use “Vol.” Before the number. Give inclusive page number. Use “pp” before the page numbers in references to newspaper and magazines, but not to journal articles (unless there is no volume number). Use commas to separate the parts of the elements. Finish every element with a period. Indent slightly the second and subsequent lines of the references

Reference Examples:

  1. 1. Journal, 3 authors

Wingate, S.L.; Gray, D.J. &Daris, H.C: (1984). The prototype as a construct in abnormal psychology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 90, 575-589.

  1. 2. Journal supplement

Murply, M.M.; Winningham, Mil. &Klrby, PA. Pilot study of the effect of zimelidine on phobic anxiety. ActaPsychiatricaScandinavcia, 63, (Suppl 290), 320-329.

3.Book: 1 author

Schifano, B. (1984). The master play director New York :Athenum

  1. Edited book

Letherman, L. & Carron, C. (Eds), (1983). Bilingual education: Teaching English as a second language. New York Praeger.

  1. Article in a book

Gruman, A.S. &Knowly, D. (1982). Family therapy outcome research. In A.S. Gruman& D. Knowly (Eds) Handbook of family therapy (pp. 700-710). New York: Mazel.

  1. Book in press

Hewelt. F.M. & Fortner. S.R. (in press). Education of exceptional learners. Boston : Springer.

  1. 7. unpublished doctoral dissertation

Rohlman, R.S. (1983). The effects of cybex training on untrained females. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Ohio State University.

  1. 8. Several volumes in multivolume edited work.

Wilson, J.A. &Fratty, F.C. (Eds), (1978-1981). Handbook to teratology (Vols. (1-4). New York : Plenum Press.

  1. Proceedings article

Smart, L.K. & Burns, L.A. (1982). An examination of the practical importance of the Von Marx effect. Proceedings of the 81 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 8620-645.


Each table should be typed on separate sheets, numbered consecutively in Roman numerals at the top centre, and given collectively after the references. Each table should have a brief but meaningful title which should start next to the Table Number after colon. Explanatory matter and non-standard abbreviations should be given in the footnote, and not below the title. Tables should be referred in the text.


All figures and illustrations should be either artwork in black ink on Art Card or 5″ × 7″ glossy prints. The photographs should be glossy black and white having good contrast. The letters used in the illustrations and photographs should be of sufficient size to withstand reduction to single column size. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Captions of photos and illustrations and the legends should be typed on a separate sheet.

All illustrations must be identified on the back by gently writing in ink or pencil, indicating illustration number and the author.


Footnotes, numbered in the text, should be restricted to the barest minimum and presented separately at the end of the paper.

Ethical approval

“Helsinki Declaration” shall be undertaken in compliance. Proper informed consent needs to be signed by the study subjects (in the case of minors, the guardian should sign the consent).

Conflict of interest

All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. If there are no interests to declare then please state this: ‘Conflict of interest: none’.


The authors may be asked to correct the proofs. The reading is to be limited to the simple check. Corrected proofs with clear-cut markings, are to be promptly returned. The authors should retain a copy of the MS for reference and proof-reading.

Author Biography

A brief biography, approximately to 50 words, of each author, including academic title, degrees, institution of affiliation, research focus, postal address and email id, and a post card size photograph should be included in the submission, for possible future use.