- Dr. Rashmi Gupta (PT)- HPA-PHYSIOTHERAPY
- Dr Gaurav Ahluwalia (PT)- Physiotherapist Grade II
- Musculoskeletal Pre-Participation Evaluation: Aimed to evaluate the athlete during induction to prepare the injury profile and to identify the risk factors for probable injuries in the relevant disciplines of sports matching the physical demands.
- Individualised Injury reduction programs: Aimed to improve the detected risk factors of probability of injuries possible to athletes on the basis of his/her risk analysis.
- On field injury management- Minor injuries and movement dysfunctions: Aimed at primary injury management of minor injuries or identifying the severity and type of any major injuries and providing the first response and referrals.
- Off the field major injury rehabilitation, return to training or play post- injury rehabilitation: Aimed at delivering the structured rehabilitation plans with healing timelines and progressions towards gradual safe and strong return to training and play.
- Competitive injury management: Aimed at providing injury management services in context of physiotherapy while the ongoing national or international competitions.
- Education of athletes and other stakeholders for injury management aspect and collaboration for the same: Aimed at improving the understanding of basic aspects of injuries., body responses to injuries, the healing timelines, understanding of rehabilitation structure and importance of consistent and guided work towards return to sports with different sports science stakeholders.
Advanced practices
- Completely digital athlete injury management documentation and communication
- Use of evidenced based physiotherapy techniques in electrotherapy, exercise therapy and advanced manual therapy
- Cutting edge recovery techniques such as pneumatic compression and contrast recovery
- A transparent and accountable closed loop injury management system